God’s Word instructs God’s people to give regularly, generously, willingly, and sacrificially to God’s church in order to support the ministry of God’s gospel (see especially 2 Corinthians 8-9; Philippians 4:10-20). We are not to do this out of guilt or compulsion, nor are we to flaunt it publicly. We give out of genuine love for God and a desire to respond to his grace that was freely given to us in Jesus Christ. It’s an act of worship like singing a song of praise. That means it’s something Christians do as a way of life in Christ.  We give quietly and discretely, so that the focus remains solely on Jesus and the gospel.  At Redeemer, the elders/pastors do not know who gives or how much they give.  That information is kept securely between you, our Lord, and our Treasurer.

Questions?  Email bookkeeper@redeemerminonk.com

ways to give


If you join us on a Sunday morning, the offering box is located at the welcome table in the back of the room.  You're welcome to drop your offering in the box at any point before, during, or after the service.


You can mail a check to Redeemer Community Church, 568 N. Chestnut St., Minonk, IL 61760


Click the button below to give securely online.